Dental Solutions


Contact Dr. Ben Polan for your dental emergency!


With dental emergencies occurring unexpectedly, they rarely happen during normal dental office hours. Hospitals and urgent care centers are not equipped to treat dental issues, and most dental offices are already closed by 5:00pm, so what are your options?

It’s later in the evening and you’re just wrapping up at your family’s holiday party. All the hugs have been distributed and goodbyes have been said, and you step out the door into the chilly night air to begin your journey home. As you turn onto the sidewalk, you’re just a moment too late remembering that slippery patch of ice your family member warned you about. The ground comes up fast, and as you regain your bearings you seem to be pretty much okay… except… Oh no. Where’s your front tooth?!


If certain dental emergencies don’t get treated right away they can lead to permanent tooth loss. Nobody wants to lose a tooth, as it makes eating very difficult and painful, and unfortunately not all of us can pull off the lovable gap-toothed grin. In some cases, you can even develop a painful infection which will intensify the pain and leave you feeling very ill. This isn’t something anybody should have to live with while waiting for the nearest dental clinic to open up.

Beverly, MA dentist, Dr. Benjamin Polan to the rescue! Dr. Polan believes in being there for his patients in all situations. Just give a call to (978) 922 1824 and have the reassurance of having an experienced dentist ready to help with your dental emergency, 24/7.


Dr. Ben Polan is a dentist in Beverly, MA who is passionate about helping any patient in need. He has a simple philosophy; administer dentistry with care and commitment to excellence for all patients. He applies this philosophy in all areas, whether its general dentistry, emergency dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, sleep disorder dentistry, or even treatments for TMJ, his goal is to provide the very best care for every dental situation.

Dr. Ben Polan has the background and know-how you need. Whether it’s for a broken tooth, tooth infection, or your mouth hurts so bad that you haven’t slept in days, contact Dr. Ben Polan for your dental emergency.

Dental Solutions



ATTENTION: Our Contact Forms are under a maintenance update, please contact us directly via phone: (978) 922-1824 or email:

Thank you! Exceptional Dental