TMJ/TMD Solutions


TMD/TMJ Pain is serious and should be addressed quickly.

TMJ/TMD Treatment Options

TMJ treatment in Beverly usually involves a conservative therapy plan combined with the use of oral orthotics or “splints.”

In our office, splints for daytime use are usually made to be worn on the bottom teeth, making it less noticeable, more comfortable, and easier to speak while it is in. Generally, we prescribe a different splint for night usage, worn on the upper teeth.

In addition to using splints, other therapies for jaw pain treatment may include:

  • Prolotherapy
  • Therapeutic injections to help “unlock” your jaw
  • Botox
  • Trigger point injections
  • Medical acupuncture
  • Moist heat application
  • Massage therapy
  • TENS therapy
  • Iontophoresis
  • Ultrasound
  • Medications

What do I do if my jaw is locked?

Having your jaw lock could have been caused by several things, but regardless of the cause having your jaw locked open or closed can be a terrifying experience. The best thing to do is to stay calm and know that we can fix it. In our office we will do everything we can to take emergency patients who are experiencing locked jaw symptoms.

Some patients may experience a sudden limited range of motion. but not a full lock. In these and other locking situations we may consider a simple injection directly into the jaw joint using a light anesthetic. This injection would act like water filling up a balloon, creating more space within the jaw joint allowing the jaw to move more freely and become unlocked with some light stretching and manipulation of the jaw. Once unlocked the patient is typically given a temporary oral splint to support their jaw and help the patient not lock up again.

Relieve TMJ pain and get back to enjoying your life!

Dr. Benjamin Polan is a dentist in Beverly, MA who is specially trained to thoroughly evaluate TMJ problems. Since every individual has unique needs that require different treatment approaches, every patient receives an individualized treatment plan tailored to meet those needs.

Patients who receive the proper corrective treatments benefit from improvements in chewing, breathing and possibly even speaking. Those who suffer from debilitating pain find relief once balance is restored to the mouth. TMJ treatment will help you enjoy a better quality of life and an overall enhanced appearance.

Dental Solutions



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